This website design project I undertook for a partnership between Bedford University and Luton culture. The website project was to commemorate and remember individuals and communities that were involved in World War I in Luton.
It is a community website and allows people living in or connected to Luton to register online and then upload their stories about relatives who took part or were affected by the great War.
it uses the Drupal content management system, this is a very flexible CMS, and a great platform to be able to include all of the necessary functionality for this site.
It is an ambitious project aiming to document as much of the history connected to World War I in Luton as possible. The storing of the information also needed to be methodical and follow standard classifications used by museums and other research bodies.
The key elements of the website that were part of the design were:
- Ability for local users to register and upload stories
- Breakdown of content into individuals, events and objects
- Ability to relate different items together and show what the relationship is
- Allow users to register online and upload their own items
- Ability to add comments to all items
- Show events in a timeline
- Create an interactive geographical map of events, users and objects
- Create a moderator system with all uploaded items being sent from moderation
- Include a blog for website editors
- A forum for website users, including a private forum for website editors
This was an exciting project which I was very pleased to be part of.