This was a website design project for Ehlers-Danlos. Ehlers-Danlos are a UK charity raising money, awareness and providing information and support to people with the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.
They were half way through a website re-development project when they asked me to take it over. Most of the design had been done, but there was still alot of development left to do as well as more design updates.
Ehlers-Danlos have a large website, with many pages and services including:
- General information pages
- News
- Events
- An online membership service.
- Online shop (E-commerce)
- Messageboard with over 1000 members
Their website uses the Joomla content management system, although their messageboard uses phpBB.
This was a fairly large project with specific customisation of Joomla required for their online membership section, and their shop also needed a lot of development.
They have now successfully launched their new website and I continue to provide them with regular support and development as needed.
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